While much of government’s information is now stored electronically, there are still multiple important documents and records that are kept in physical storage. Government's Records Centre, operated by the Ministry of Central Services, is responsible for the storage, retrieval and disposal of records when requested for all government funded organizations using this program.
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Records storage
In order to best manage office space, the long-term storage of physical records is overseen by the Records Centre at a central storage facility. This frees up expensive office space for other uses. If you have records you believe should be stored offsite, please contact your designated Records Coordinator. Records Coordinators are responsible for coordinating the storage of new files and arranging for retrieval of records. Each ministry has a records coordinator(s).
The Records Centre is responsible for the storage and retrieval of records, but the determination of what is to be stored or archived for administrative records is done based on the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan’s Administrative Records Management System (ARMS). Similarly, the determination of what is to be stored or archived for operational records is done based on the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan’s specific Operational Records Schedule (ORS). Please reference these policies for help determining what should and should not be stored or contact your Records Coordinator. You can learn more about records management policies by visiting the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan service page.
NOTE: As a matter of confidentiality and secrecy of records, please do not write on storage boxes.
Retrieving records
Not everyone can retrieve records directly. Please contact your Records Coordinator if you require access to files stored by the Records Centre. Delivery timelines vary depending on the size of the request and volume of records.
* In cases where the boxes are being transported by Mail Services – the standard for Mail Chauffeurs is a maximum of 6 boxes per building.
NOTE: Only cartons of records can be retrieved, not individual files.
Disposal of records
If you believe records you have stored can or should be destroyed, please contact your Records Coordinator. Records Coordinators are responsible for approving any destruction of records within their jurisdiction. If approved, your Records Coordinator will facilitate the disposal of the files with the Records Centre, ensuring security is maintained.