The IT division (ITD) of the Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement offers a variety of programs and self-help tools to support government employees. These services are meant to support and enhance government’s IT resources and operations.
To learn more about this service, use the links below to jump to the content:
Executive government employees may be required to access their workplace email outside of the workplace and the Government of Saskatchewan network. Outlook Online is automatically enabled for all government employees who have a user account.
Outlook Outline allows you to access and use your Government of Saskatchewan email address anywhere that you have internet access. To access Outlook Online use the following link:
When you first set up your computer network password, you will need to set up a password manager profile, just in case you forget your password to log into the network. This process will ask you to list multiple security questions and answers that you will be prompted to answer if you ever forget your password. To enroll for Self Service Password Reset please see the Self Service Enrolment Guide.
Please see the Self-Service Password Reset Guide for step-by-step instructions on setting up your password manager profile and retrieving a lost password.
At times, Government employees require remote access in order to do their jobs. There are different types of remote access:
1. Remote access from a GOS computer:
Employees with a GOS ID can remote access their desktop, files, applications and emails from their GOS computer when away from the workplace.
A VPN tool is installed by default on all GOS laptops, however, you do require access in order to be able to connect to this. To obtain access you must submit a Service Request Form checking off remote access and follow the GOS Asset User Guide once your access is granted.
2. Remote access from a non GOS computer:
This remote service allows you to connect to your GOS account and GOS servers from anywhere with an internet connection.
This service requires a token as it authenticates through two-factor authentication. There are two types of tokens, hard and soft, both have a cost associated with them. A hard token is a small, portable device that plugs into a computer’s USB port, whereas a soft token is installed directly onto the following devices:
- Android
- Apple iPhone/iPod Tough/iPad
- Blackberry
- Windows Mobile
- Java Phone
To obtain two-factor authentication access you must submit a Service Request Form checking off remote access from a non GOS computer and state whether you want a hard or soft token. Follow the Non-GOS Asset VPN User Guide for hard token access once your access is granted. For soft token access, please see the Entrust Soft Token User Guide.
Government employees sometimes deal with confidential information. It is important to keep this mind while printing anything with confidential and sensitive information.
In order to print securely, please:
- Be aware of what you are printing to a common printer that can be accessed by many employees.
- When possible, use secure print mode (learn how using our guide for Windows 7 or Windows 10) when printing document with confidential information.
- Uninstall printers (learn how using our guide for Windows 7 users or Windows 10) on your computer after a printer is removed from a workplace.
- Ensure you choose the right printer if you have multiple installed on your computer.
Information Security Policies
When in doubt reference the policy. Policies are in place to help us govern IT security issues and make the best possible decisions when it comes to protecting government data.
- Government’s Information Security policy is intended to help safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the government’s information and systems. Users are bound by this policy, and should understand and abide by it.
- Government’s IT Acceptable Usage policy is the main IT policy that applies to users and is administered by the Public Service Commission. Users should understand and abide by it.
- Government has a Social Media policy that governs government employee use of social media, be it for government business or personal use that is administered by Executive Council. Users should understand and abide by it.
IT Security Educational Resources
For some tips and tricks to stay IT safe, check out this poster series below. Please distribute these posters around your work place to increase IT safety awareness.
IT Billing
IT Billing within the Ministry of Central Services is responsible for coordinating and invoicing of IT billable services and addressing and responding to IT billing inquiries and disputes for all government-funded organizations who utilize Government of Saskatchewan IT services.
To contact IT Billing you can email
Adobe Creative Cloud
If you are licensed to use one or more Adobe products, other than Adobe Reader, you will experience changes to your Adobe applications the evening of Thursday, March 19. These changes are taking place as a result of Adobe changing its licensing structure, and moving its applications into the cloud.
If this is you, the following actions will be necessary in order to access your Adobe software.
Logging in
Users of Adobe software excluding Adobe Reader will have newly-issued login credentials ( and government network password) for the Adobe Creative Cloud application, which will appear on your desktop.
You will need to use this application to log in with your new Adobe login credentials, in order to use your Adobe applications other than Reader.
Downloading and installing applications
If you are licensed for the full suite of Adobe products, the new Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign applications will automatically be installed for you.
If the following scenarios apply to you, you will need to download and install Adobe applications yourself manually from the Creative Cloud application using these instructions on or after March 19:
- you are licensed for only one or two of these applications (such as Photoshop); and
- you are licensed for the full suite of Adobe applications and require applications be installed, beyond the four automatically-installed applications mentioned above.
This change provides you with improvements like:
- the ability to install Adobe products on up-to two devices (either work or personal) for each license;
- ensuring you always have the most up-to-date version of the software you use, so you can collaborate on files without version compatibility issues; and
- the ability to open and edit documents and files created in older versions of Adobe software.
Check out the "Adobe Creative Cloud: signing in, downloading products and installing software" document for more information on how to use Adobe Creative Cloud.